Ion: Custom Made DIY Electric Bike A speed machine

Ion electric bike is a very exclusive, one piece made entirely by hand by Tom Miceli who has used as the basis of a chassis of a Kawasaki Ninja, has changed course in the propulsion and body and now can travel over 100 km to ' hours up to 100 km away.

Ion Hand Made DIY Electric Bike

He pulled out of the Ninja 600cc engine and replaced it with two dozen 40Ah lithium batteries for a total output of 3Kw, has connected to an AC motor to be 6.75 inches by 43 horses. The whole package is loaded in six hours from a standard, being as usual the only major limitation of these methods. Ion has cost $ 12,000 to Tom for the design, materials and labor, here's another video.

Ion Hand Made DIY Electric Bike
