“Licorne” test in French Polynesia 1970, (France)
Destruction can often be eerily beautiful. It can also remind us of how fragile our existence is and how we mustn’t take it for granted. Below, in no particular order are some of the most incredible pictures of nuclear explosions.
Operation Tumbler Snapper US 1952
Operation Upshot/Knothole US 1953
Operation Upshot/Knothole US 1953
Operation Ivy US 1952
Operation Buster-Jangle 1951 (US)
Operation Greenhouse 1951 (US)
Operation Redwing 1956 (US)
You can also watch a video here of the detonation of 914-kiloton TN-60 thermonuclear warhead (France, “Licorne” test) at Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia on July 3, 1970. This corresponds to the first photo. Via Vroom101 on Digg.